Regardless of where our stock is from, we know the importance of sound and playing performance is dependent on good setting up and optimal strings.
We offer different levels of setting up in our workshop to suit all budgets and standards for all instruments.
Setting up includes:
- Checking/Adjusting the pegs – so that they move easily when tuning yet hold in position once playing.
- Checking/Shaping the top nut to ensure the strings are not too high/low and are spaced correctly and that so that they don’t break easily because the nut has been left sharp.
- Checking/ Fitting the bridge- again so the strings are not too high/low and that it is in the right place to help produce the best sound.
- Ensuring the soundpost is positioned correctly so that an instrument sounds as good as it can.
- Checking bows for weight and warpage and adding rosin to them so that they are ready to use.
We can also improve the sound of an instrument by changing the string quality to better match an instrument’s potential.